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April 10-11 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline December 2, 2024 
Notification of Abstracts Acceptance January 6, 2025 
Full Paper Submission Deadline February 17, 2025 
Notification of Full Papers Evaluation March 17, 2025
Final Submission March 31, 2025
Symposium April 10-11, 2025

Industrial Revolution is considered an important turning point in human history, influenced technological developments, which inevitably continued over the years. The technological developments accelerate and progress in many industries and today it is still developing with new generation advanced technologies. Construction industry is one of the industries affected by technological innovations that emerge with industrial revolutions, since it has a dynamic nature and is the driver for the economic development of every country to a great extent. Construction industry has the power to influence other areas which is the other reason why development and innovation is important. Adaptation to the developing world with new technological development and the use of new technologies is of great importance for the construction industry. This importance has necessitated this symposium on the use of new technologies in the construction industry. Based on this point, the idea was to bring stakeholders together and discuss the future of the construction industry from today to tomorrow.

Through sessions effects of technological developments will be discussed with the goal to better understand the present and future of the architecture, engineering and construction industry. With this aim we invite papers addressing topics that may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Current Approaches in Construction and Design
  • Innovation in Construction and Design
  • 3D Construction
  • Performative, Adaptive, Interactive Designs, Artificial Intelligence, Generative Systems
  • Education in Digital Era
  • Digitalization in Construction and Design
  • Digital Modeling – Digital Fabrication
  • Building Information Modelling
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Architecture and Construction Industry
  • Alternate Realities (Extended Reality, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality)
  • Metaverse in the Construction Industry


  • Esin Kasapoğlu, Prof. Dr.
  • Esra Bostancıoğlu, Prof. Dr.
  • Neslihan Dostoğlu, Prof. Dr.
  • Gamze Alptekin, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
  • Elif Çileli, Res. Asst. (secretariat)
  • Berkay Oskay, Res. Asst. (secretariat)
  • Abid Nadeem, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazarbayev University, Kazakhistan. 
  • Ahmed Bouferguene, Prof. Dr. University of Alberta, Canada.
  • Alaaddin Alwisy, Assist. Prof. Dr. University of Florida, USA. 
  • Alaaddin Kanoğlu, Prof. Dr. Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Türkiye. 
  • Altuğ Sarıyar, Assist. Prof. Dr. University of İstanbul Esenyurt, Türkiye. 
  • Andy Kam-Din Wong, Assoc. Prof. Dr. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. 
  • Ar. Saurabh Choudhary, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vivekanand Education Society, India. 
  • Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Prof. Dr. University of Southern California, USA. 
  • Cheng Siew Goh, Assist. Prof. Dr. Northumbria University, UK. 
  • Chun Chieh Yip, Assist. Prof. Dr. University Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia. 
  • Cordula Cropp, Prof. Dr.  University of Stuttgart, Germany. 
  • Çetin Tüker, Prof. Dr. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Türkiye. 
  • Dilan Majid Rostam Roshani, Assoc. Prof. Dr. University of Duhok, Iraq. 
  • Eder Martinez, Prof. Dr. University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. 
  • Emrah Türkyılmaz, Prof. Dr. Samarkand State Architectural and Construction University, Uzbekistan.
  • Erhan Karakoç, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ankara Medipol University, Türkiye 
  • Gözde Başak Öztürk Özeray, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Türkiye. 
  • Hakan Yaman, Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Hong Guan, Prof. Dr. Griffith University, Australia.
  • Ionnes Tang Yu Hoe, Assoc. Prof. Dr.  University of Nottingham Malaysia. 
  • Jamie Mata-Falcón, Assist. Prof. Dr. Universitat Politècnica de València Spain. 
  • Jing Ying Wong, Assoc. Prof. Dr. University of Nottingham Malaysia. 
  • Karen Kensek, Prof. Dr. University of Southern California, USA. 
  • Les Norford, Prof. Dr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. 
  • Lu Xinzheng, Prof. Dr., Tsinghua University, China. 
  • Lucio Soibelman, Prof. Dr. University of Southern California,USA. 
  • Luisa Caldas, Prof. Dr. University of California, Berkeley, USA. 
  • Olli Vigren, Dr.  KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 
  • Orkan Güzelci, Assist. Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Polat Darçın, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Meryem Birgül Çolakoğlu, Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Mine Özkar Kabakçıoğlu, Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Mustafa Emre İlal, Prof. Dr. İzmir Institute of Technology, Türkiye. 
  • Neşe Çakıcı Alp, Prof. Dr. Kocaeli University, Türkiye. 
  • Salih Ofluoğlu, Prof. Dr. Antalya Bilim University, Türkiye. 
  • Salman Azhar, Prof. Dr. Auburn University, USA. 
  • Sema Alaçam, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Serkan Palabıyık, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Balıkesir University, Türkiye.   
  • Sevil Yazıcı, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Istanbul Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Tabarak Ballal, Prof. Dr. University of Reading, UK. 
  • Togan Tong, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Technical University, Türkiye. 
  • Tuğrul Yazar, Prof. Dr. İstanbul Bilgi University, Türkiye. 
  • Yana Boeva, Dr. University of Studgard, Germany.  
Salih Ofluoğlu

Dr. Salih Ofluoglu

Professor Dr. Salih Ofluoglu serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Antalya Bilim University. Prior to this position, Ofluoglu was a faculty member at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in the Department of Informatics from 2001 to 2023, where he taught in the “Architectural and Urban Informatics” and “Computer-Aided Art and Design” postgraduate programs.
Ofluoglu holds an undergraduate degree in Architecture from the Department of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University and postgraduate degrees in Architecture with an emphasis on Computer-Aided Design: an MSc from Pennsylvania State University in the USA and a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh in the UK.
Ofluoglu's research interests include sustainable architecture, Building Information Modeling (BIM), BIM-supported facility management, and architectural design studios. He has numerous published articles, books, and research projects both nationally and internationally. He is one of the organizers of the international Eurasian BIM Forum and the editor of Turkey's only periodical BIM publication, the Building Information Modeling journal. Additionally, he is a board member of the Turkish chapter of the international organization buildingSMART.

Dr. Salman Azhar

Dr. Salman Azhar is a William A. Hunt Endowed (Full) Professor and Graduate Programs Chair in the McWhorter School of Building Science at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. He has more than 25 years of research, teaching and construction industry experience by working in the USA, Hong Kong, Thailand and Pakistan. Dr. Azhar’s research areas are Building Information Modeling and Advanced Visualization Technologies, High performance buildings, Construction safety and Construction education. His research projects have been funded by the USAID, US Department of State, Construction Industry Institute (CII), National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), the Alabama State Licensing Board for General Contractors, and several construction firms in the Southeast USA. He has written a book entitled “Data Warehousing in Construction Organizations: Concepts, Architecture and Implementation”, co-edited fourteen conference proceedings and published more than 150 papers in refereed journals and conferences. His five research papers received the Best Paper Award in international conferences held in the South Africa, Jordan, Finland, UK, and USA in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, and 2012 respectively. His publications received over 10,000 citations. Dr. Azhar is the Editor-in-Chief of the BIM section in the Frontiers in the Built Environment Journal and Editorial Board Member of ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. He received the Auburn University’s Outstanding Faculty award in 2012, Building Science Outstanding Researcher Award in 2016, 2011 and 2009, Excellence in Teaching Award in 2014, and Excellence in Service award in 2021, 2019 and 2017. He also received the Outstanding Educator and Researcher Awards from the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) in 2020 and 2015, and AIT Distinguished Alumni Award in 2017.

Salman Azhar

Extended abstracts for paper presentations should be 400 to 500 words long and submitted to The abstract should include the purpose of research, research method and conclusions together with 5 keywords. 

Please specify authors' contact information (gsm and e-mail) in the submission e-mail.

Requested abstract template  
Poster template  


  • Paper and poster presentation - 50 €
  • Paper and poster presentation - student - 30 €
  • Co-Authors (In case of participation) - 30 €
  • Additional Paper - 30 €
  • Non-presenting audience - Free of charge
  • *The fee includes lunches, coffee breaks, abstract booklet, certificate of participation and conference bag.
  • **The e-proceedings book including papers and posters will be available on the website after the symposium.
  • ***Registration date will be announced.
Abstract Submission Deadline December 2, 2024 
Notification of Abstracts Acceptance January 6, 2025 
Full Paper Submission Deadline February 17, 2025 
Notification of Full Papers Evaluation March 17, 2025
Final Submission March 31, 2025
Symposium April 10-11, 2025
Symposium Contact Info:

Last Update Date: Tue, 09/17/2024 - 13:52